Railway Station Topographical Survey


Full Topographical Survey – Railway Station Site

Geospatial Engineering Services Ltd was contracted to carry out a comprehensive topographical survey of a regional railway station and its surrounding areas. The survey formed part of a planned access improvement and infrastructure upgrade scheme.

Areas Surveyed

  • Main passenger platforms (edge, surface, and canopies)
  • Adjacent car parking and drop-off zones
  • Pedestrian pathways and road approaches
  • Trackside clearances and boundary positions

On-Site Considerations

Working in a live rail environment, our team adhered to all health & safety and permit-to-work protocols. Surveying was conducted during off-peak hours and in coordination with station management to minimise disruption.

We utilised:

  • Topcon total stations for precision layout work
  • GNSS receivers for open-area geo-referencing
  • Reflectorless instruments to safely measure across live tracks


  • Detailed topographical site plan in DWG and PDF formats
  • Annotated levels, kerb lines, access points and gradients
  • Utility and drainage features mapped for design planning


The engineering team used our outputs to design platform modifications, new signage placements, and reconfigured access routes — streamlining the approval process and ensuring works could proceed with confidence in the survey data.